Terms of offer

By placing an order for our Simple Magazines products and or enrolling in our Simple Magazines, magazine subscription service (“club”) you agree, accept, and understand the terms of the offer below (“Agreement”). We urge you to read the terms of the offer carefully and, if you have any questions, call our customer service representatives at 1 (800) 220-0375

Membership in the club is open to individuals who are legal residents of the continental U.S. (excluding Hawaii, Alaska, and the U.S. Virgin Islands), who are at least age 18 as of the date of enrollment and have the capacity to enter into a binding contract. The club is void elsewhere and where prohibited.

  1. Enrolling in our club program: In placing your order for Simple Magazines  you are automatically enrolled into our Simple Magazines, magazine savings club.
  2. Cancelling your membership: If you do not take affirmative action to cancel the club membership, your credit or debit card will be automatically charged the monthly club price of $ 29.95 and you will continue to be a member of the club. To cancel your membership call our customer service department at 1 (800) 220-0375

3. 30-day money-back guarantee: We want you to be fully satisfied with your enrollment in the Simple Magazines service. If you are not satisfied, you may call customer service within 30 days from the date of the billing of your first monthly fee for a full refund of the monthly fee.

Club Membership:

  1. Automatic billings:  As a member of the club you will have the ability to choose up to three titles of the magazines you like the most and have them mailed to the address of your preference at the monthly club price of $29.95 monthly for the next 6 months. If you ever want to change you can select from our list of titles by simply calling customer service at 1 (800) 220-0375. As a member of the club, the credit or debit card you provide today will be automatically charged the club price for the next 30 days of service. You will continue to be charged each membership month for the following 30 days of service until you contact customer service to cancel.
  2. How to cancel: Call our customer service department at 1 (800) 220-0375.

Additional Terms:

  1. Notice of price change: As a member of the club you have the right to receive written notice of all price increases that vary from the amount you previously authorized. If we decide to increase the price, we will notify you via email or mail and give you an opportunity to cancel your membership before such changes take effect. However, we do reserve the right to lower your membership price at any point in time without notification.
  2. Monthly payment: All monthly charges will be automatically charged to the credit or debit card you provided upon enrollment Simple Magazines is not responsible for any fees or other charges (including, without limitation, overdraft fees charged by your bank) resulting from the charges you have authorized in this agreement.
  3. Products and services: (1) Up to three magazine titles of your preferences; (a) From time to time you will be granted the option to receive up to five titles for no additional cost. (b) You have the ability to split the titles between friends or family member simply call customer service and we can ship out the magazine at the address you desire (c) You can change the title at any point in time, simply call customer service at 1 (800) 220-0375.
  4. Use of club membership: Your club membership is non-transferable. You agree that only you and your immediate family may use the club membership_ “immediate family” means you, your spouse or partner, and your children living at your home. Participation in the club program is subject to this agreement, as well as policies and procedures that Simple Magazines  may adopt or modify from time to time. Any failure to abide by this agreement or any policies or procedures implemented by Simple Magazines any conduct detrimental to Simple Magazines, or any misrepresentation or fraudulent activities in connection with the club program, may result in termination of membership in the club program, as well as any other rights or remedies available to Simple Magazines. If we suspend or terminate membership for any reason specified in this section 9, we reserve the right to not refund any fees paid by you.
  5. Modification or termination of the club: Your membership in the club is offered at the discretion of Simple Magazines, and it reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions, condition of participation, or any other aspect of the club, in whole or in part, at any time, with or without notice to you (except as otherwise specified herein).
  6. Limitation on liability and disclaimer of warranties: By placing an order and/or participating in the club, you agree that Simple Magazines and its owner(s), parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, agents, representatives, and employees will have no liability whatsoever for any injuries, losses, claims, damages or any special, exemplary, punitive, indirect, incidental or consequential damages of any kind, whether based in contract, tort, strict liability or otherwise, resulting from any used club or the Simple Magazines products and services, any failure or delay by Simple Magazines in connection with the club, the performance or non-performance of the club by Simple Magazines, or any other products or services provided by Simple Magazines, its licensors, or any other third parties, even if Simple Magazines has been advised of the possibility of damages. Notwithstanding this disclaimer, if Simple Magazines  is found liable for any loss or damage which arises out of, or is in any way connected with, any of the occurrences described in this paragraph, then its liability will in no event exceed, in total, the sum of $100.00.

Simple Magazines, makes no warranty of any kind regarding the club or the Simple Magazines products or services, which are provided on an ”AS-IS” and “As Available” basis. Simple Magazines is not responsible or liable for any warranty, representation, or guarantee, express or implied, in fact, or in law, relative to the club or the Simple Magazines products and services, including without limitation that the club or Simple Magazines, products and services will be error-free, or as to the accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of any content or information distributed with respect to the club or Simple Magazines products and services. Some states do not allow the limitation of liability and disclaimer of implied warranties, so the disclaimers and limitations above may not apply to you.

  1. Entire Agreement: This agreement contains all of the terms of the club program, and no representations, inducements, promises, or agreements concerning the club program not included in this agreement shall be effective or enforceable. If any of the terms of this agreement shall become invalid or unenforceable, the remaining terms shall remain in full force and effect.
  2. Governing law: This agreement and the terms of the club membership shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Florida without giving effect to the choice of law provisions thereof.
  3. Arbitration: Any claim or controversy arising out of or relating to your use of Simple Magazines website, your membership in the club, your use of Simple Magazines. Or to any act or omission for which you may contend that Simple Magazines > is liable, including but not limited to any claim or controversy as to arbitrability (“dispute”), shall be finally and exclusively settled by binding arbitration. Judgment upon any award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered by any state or federal court having jurisdiction Florida the arbitrator shall not have the power to award damages in connection with any dispute in excess of actual compensatory damages and shall not multiply actual damages or award consequential, punitive or exemplary damages, and each party irrevocably waives any claim thereto. Neither you nor USA benefits advantage shall be entitled to join or consolidate claims in arbitration by or against other consumers or arbitrate any claim as a representative or member of a class or in a private attorney general capacity. Both you and savings and benefits voluntarily and knowingly waive any right they have to a jury trial.

These terms provide that all disputes between you and Simple Magazines < will be resolved by binding arbitration. You thus give up your right to go to court to assert or defend your rights. You also give up your right to participate in or bring class actions. Your rights will be determined by the neutral arbitrator(s) not a judge or jury.

Privacy Policy
At Simple Magazines, we recognize that many consumers who visit our websites are concerned about the information they provide us online, and how we maintain and use this information. To address these concerns and to demonstrate our commitment to privacy, we have developed and implemented this privacy policy. As this policy may change from time to time, we encourage you to periodically review it.

How we use the information we collect:
We only collect personally identifiable information that you voluntarily and knowingly provide us. We use the information that you provide us for the purpose(s) for which you specifically provided it or for specific additional purposes for which we receive your prior consent.
We do not share any information you provide us with anyone outside of Simple Magazines, its affiliates, and/or sponsoring organization, except for suppliers who assist us in maintaining and managing the activities on our sites.
We employ appropriate security measures to protect the loss, misuse, and alteration of any information you provide us.
We provide you with choice and control over the collection and use of any personally identifiable information that you provide us online, and a means for updating, correcting, or removing this information.

We only collect personally identifiable information on a voluntary basis. We do not require you to disclose more information than is reasonably needed to participate in an activity on our site.